
Does a Pap Smear Hurt?

We understand that the thought of a Pap smear can be intimidating for many women. Many individuals feel anxious about the potential discomfort or pain associated with the process. If you’re wondering, “Does a Pap smear hurt?” you’re not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address your concerns, explain what to expect during the exam,

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The Mediterranean Diet: Another Fad or the Answer to a Healthy Immune System?

Is the Mediterranean Diet Really as Good as it Claims?

The short answer? Yep. The Mediterranean diet transcends the typical confines of “dieting” to offer a comprehensive lifestyle that integrates the joy of eating with overall health and wellness. This approach is less about restrictive eating and more about embracing a holistic way of life that respects cultural traditions and fosters a sense of freedom

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Breaking the Stigma Around Herpes

Herpes simplex virus (HSV), commonly known as herpes, is a condition that affects a significant portion of the population. There are two types: HSV-1, which often leads to oral herpes or cold sores, and HSV-2, which is more frequently associated with genital herpes. Despite its prevalence, the stigma surrounding herpes persists, fueled by misconceptions, lack

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5 Things No One Tells You When Diagnosed With HPV

Being diagnosed with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can be an emotionally and physically challenging experience. That’s why we prioritize educating and empowering our customers on their diagnosis, so that no one is left in the dark. Here are five things to keep in mind if you find yourself facing an HPV diagnosis: 1. You Are Not

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Screening for HPV at home?

In a groundbreaking move towards enhancing women’s health and preventing cervical cancer rates from the continuing incline, new guidelines outlined in the Journal of the American medical association (JAMA), suggest that direct-mail self-sampling kits for HPV, increased cervical cancer screening by 14% in those who were past due for their pap smears.  A study in

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Building a Robust Immune System this Winter

Well, just like that it’s 2024. I love new years because it signifies the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Though i’ve never been one for making specific resolutions (ie. lose 10 pounds or eat healthier), I do love the idea of a fresh start. A clean slate. A time to focus

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