
Community Blog

Because being informed means being empowered, we provide the latest information and actionable insights on HPV & HSV, immunity, holistic wellness, and lifestyle tips.

Pap Smear Guidelines 2019

Pap Smear Guidelines 2019

Why Get A Pap Smear? Routine checkups testing for HPV with your healthcare provider is your saving grace. Prevention is key in cervical cancer. Cervical

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HPV Vaccine Results

HPV Vaccine 101

HPV is on the rise, and with that, complications from HPV can arise. These complications can be anything from common warts on the back of

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Genital Warts and HPV

Genital Warts and HPV

You’ve just found a new, fleshy growth around your genitals… could this be HPV? Certain strains of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can cause lesions or

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Cervical Cancer Be Prepared

Cervical Cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer is the eighth most common cancer in the world and the fourth most frequently diagnosed cancer in women, with over 570,000 new cases

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HPV and Smoking

Tobacco Smoke and HPV

Most tobacco cigarette smokers understand that smoking is damaging to their health. The warning labels on cigarette packets try and make that clear! In addition

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