HPV Facts


HPV In Men

Often the conversation around HPV focuses on females, but HPV can also impact males. We know the information available can be confusing. You may be wondering if HPV affects sexes differently? Why is the HPV vaccine now being recommended to all grade school children? Is there anything that can be done to help? We have

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Photodynamic Therapy for HPV

Photodynamic Therapy for HPV: What Is It and Does It Work?

Photodynamic therapy is a treatment typically used in the treatment of acne, warts, and a range of cancers, including mouth (oral), head and neck, lung, and skin cancer, and has been for a number of years now. However, PDT is now being considered a novel approach to eradicating the human papillomavirus. This follows a study

Photodynamic Therapy for HPV: What Is It and Does It Work? Read More »

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