Getting To The Root Cause of Persistent HPV

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We know that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) causes 98% of cervical cancers. HPV is also linked to other various cancers such as anal, vulvar and oropharyngeal. With that being said, not everyone who contracts HPV will develop such complications.

Most cases of HPV will spontaneously regress on their own within 2-3 years. In the small few where HPV does not revert and becomes persistent and chronic in nature, it can lead to progressive cellular changes over time which can sometimes lead to cancer. So, what makes one person more susceptible to persistent HPV infections than another?

Let’s explore a few root causes that could be at play. Addressing these root causes can help support the body in clearing HPV and therefore reducing risk for cervical and other HPV-related cancers .

Nutritional Factors

Nutrition forms the backbone and catalysts for many reactions and processes in the body. Today, many individuals are deficient in important nutrients, and these deficiencies make it difficult for the body ecosystem to function optimally. Studies have found several nutrients to be correlated with HPV infections.

The underlying action of these nutrients is to help support healthy immune function through inhibiting cancer cell growth and their powerful antioxidant activities.

Nutrient deficiencies can be corrected by consuming a diet rich in diverse whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables. We like to aim for 8 to 10 servings per day with at least one serving coming from green leafy vegetables. 


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