Mexican Scientist Cures HPV

“Mexican Scientist Cures HPV!” Fact or Fiction?

This headline has been quite popular in the media as of late. Scientific sources have been publishing information about this topic, as well as reputable, and not so reputable news outlets. Is it really true? Have scientists in Mexico really discovered the cure to a virus that is rapidly become the most common sexually transmitted infection …

“Mexican Scientist Cures HPV!” Fact or Fiction? Read More »


HPV, Broccoli, and its secret Ingredient – Sulphoraphane

Your childhood was probably filled with memories of your parents always telling you to eat your greens, broccoli being one of the main greens that many children will scrunch their face at.  But…did you know that broccoli has many branches of super metabolites that can radically change your health?  Discover why your mom was right, …

HPV, Broccoli, and its secret Ingredient – Sulphoraphane Read More »

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